The Novel Gardener

writing about plants, people, & landscape design

Midcentury modern MCM irregular grid screen fence made from brightly colored cement board panels

Mid Century Modern Fence Styles

Mid Century Modern Landscape Design Series: Part 1

January 2025

Do you own a mid-century modern house and want to install a fence or screen but are unsure what style to choose? One of my landscape design clients had the same question. I couldn’t find much information online so I did a lot of research in old books and catalogs. After saving over 140 period fence images and designs, I’m here to share what I’ve found. Whether you want your fence, screen, or baffle to blend in or stand out with a truly wild period design, this article will have something for everyone!

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DC's online zoning map with a rowhouse parcel highlighted and a link to information about the zone district and zoning code for the property

Guide to Washington, D.C. Zoning Code for Landscape Design (Part 1):

Setbacks, Yards, and Exceptions, or Where You Can Build

January 2025

So you live in Washington, DC and you want to make your yard more enjoyable and usable. Because DC is a dense city, there are a lot of regulations that limit what and where you can build. The million-dollar question (sometimes literally!) in DC is this: Can you build it there? The goal of this article is to help you learn what you can build and where you can build it. You're in luck: I've never encountered a property where nothing could be done...

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Diagram showing how to calculate lot coverage in Washington DC

Guide to Washington, D.C. Zoning Code for Landscape Design (Part 2):

Lot Occupancy, Sheds, and Building in Required Yards

January 2025

A continuation of the previous article on Washington DC's zoning code. Read that article first! In this article, we discuss lot occupancy, pervious surface, exceptions to the rules, and sheds. We learn what landscape structures  you can build in required yards. It's more than you might think!

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An after photo of a rowhouse or townhouse landscape design with a black metal two-level modern deck with an integrated pergola. Cables on the deck allow vines to grow up and shade the space. New paving also allows for a shady space underneath, and a rain garden infiltrates stormwater and provides pollinator habitat in an urban area.
How to Design a Small Back Yard: Ten Tips for Success

November 2023

Do you own a rowhouse or a townhouse with a small back yard? Want to make the space more livable, pleasant, and environmentally friendly but aren't sure how? I work in these spaces frequently and wanted to share some tips and design examples with you!...

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